About Me

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Two writers, one character, and a whole lotta chronicles. Follow Corrine through her dating disasters, the great loves, and the one night stands. This book will inspire you to laugh at your own mishaps and mistakes and cry with Cori for all the losers that never called the next day.--Book By: Danielle West & Megan Grant

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Most Amazing Thing You'll Ever See.

FRIENDS!  Great news.

As you know, we've held off on self-publishing The Penis Chronicles because our aim has been to land a literary agent and go that route; and this is still our goal.

You also know by now, however, that this is a rather lengthy process, a great majority of which is spent waiting to hear back from agencies.  And then waiting some more.  And then having a snack.  And then waiting after that.

SO, in addition to querying our asses off (literally, our asses are gone), we're venturing into a smaller side project that will tie in very nicely: I Dated the Zodiac.

With our interest in astrology, we can't resist.

This will be a very short read and self-published.  In the name of marketing the shit out of ourselves (which is hard to do when you have no asses left), we've created a new blog, Twitter, Facebook, and StumbleUpon page for I Dated the Zodiac.  Things are a little nekkid right now, but pop a Xanax and relax.  We're getting to it.   

In case you missed them, here are the links to The Penis Chronicles' Twitter, Facebook, and StumbleUpon pages.

Our hopes are to use this new piece to get our foot in the door with a literary agency for The Penis Chronicles, and then make our first appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Stay tuned for updates and social networking galore.

Megan and Dani

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