What is it about Wal-Mart? Are they just trying to humiliate and degrade women?
It's the section of the store that we all hate going to: the feminine/"private" section.
Stay with me on this.
You start at the very beginning of the shelf. They have every variety of Tampax and Kotex you could ever dream of. Long pads, short pads, thick pads, thin pads, pads with wings, pads without wings, pads that are scented, pads that just smell like cotton...
Tampons with a braided string, tampons with a normal, boring string, tampons that smell good, tampons that just smell like tampons, tampons for heavy flows, tampons for light flows, tampons for teeny weeny vaginas, and tampons for really BIG vaginas.
But they cost a fortune and Wal-Mart knows that you might just go without, especially in your delicate and hormonal state, so next on the shelf is the generic brand of everything listed above, for those of us who aren't afraid to stick cardboard applicators in our cooches or use pads that fall apart if you fart too hard.
And they know--they KNOW--that while you're on the rag, you're probably not going to want to have sex since you feel like a giant heap of shit, so just to torture you, they stock the KY and other "intimate gels" right after. Those gels that give you that great "tingling sensation" and make intimacy more enjoyable in all its slippery goodness? Yeah. You won't be needing that this week.
Thanks Wal-Mart.
But here's the silver lining: You're riding the cotton rocket because you're definitely not pregnant and you'd like to keep it that way, right? Perfect! Because next on the shelf are condoms for when your period is over and you're back to being the hypersexual slut nugget who wants to jump her boyfriend's bones. Ribbed for her pleasure, ultra-sensitive, ones with an extra big tip, small condoms, average-sized condoms, big condoms, and the Magnums that you know damn well would be baggy on any asshole who claimed he needed them.
Sometimes shit happens though, right? Maybe that condom breaks. Maybe the moron you're dating went ahead with the Magnum anyway, which immediately slipped off and got lost in the massive cave that is your vagina. You suddenly realize that you haven't had to tap into your assortment of pads and tampons for quite some time and upon consulting your calendar, you realize that Aunt Flo is ten days late.
Well shit.
You start to panic, but don't. You know how you left off at the KY? Wal-Mart must have a sixth sense about these things because next to the KY are the pregnancy tests. Need to know if you've been sperminated? You're in luck! They're already within arm's reach.
So you spend $20 on a two-pack of First Response and haul ass to the Wal-Mart bathroom. You're so nervous that you don't even care that the stall door doesn't lock and there's urine on the seat. Five minutes later, two lines pop up on the stick and you realize that you officially have a fetus growing in your abdomen.
The next several decades of your life suddenly flash before your eyes. You realize that you might very well have to marry the guy who knocked you up and will probably end up saddled with four more kids. You can say good-bye to your sex life because you'll be too busy driving them to soccer and karate and clarinet lessons. Besides, after Baby #2, you'll never lose that weight and will feel so fat and ugly that you'll probably never let your husband see you naked again.
Before you know it, you're 80 years old. And you know what? Wal-Mart has been keeping a close eye on you. Because right after the pregnancy tests, at the verrrrrrrry end of that section of the store that nobody likes, are the adult diapers. You used to be this hot young thing who was super cool with her menstrual flow and pads and tampons and KY warming gel and condoms and pregnancy tests and now you can't help but piss your pants on a daily basis.
So basically, Wal-Mart just bitch slapped you in the genitalia and is still laughing hysterically about it.
Think it's easy being a girl?
About Me

- The Penis Chronicles of Corrine Miles
- Two writers, one character, and a whole lotta chronicles. Follow Corrine through her dating disasters, the great loves, and the one night stands. This book will inspire you to laugh at your own mishaps and mistakes and cry with Cori for all the losers that never called the next day.--Book By: Danielle West & Megan Grant
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